Universal life insuarance
Get life insurance that's flexible to your needs.
Universal Life lets you protect the people you love with great coverage that's flexible to fit your life.
What is universal life insurance?
Having a whole life insurance policy from Northwestern Mutual is much more than a safety net. It has benefits you can use while you're living that will give your financial plan even more flexibility. Whole life insurance builds cash value over time that you can use for anything. It can come in handy for unexpected expenses, putting your kids through college, expanding your business, upgrading your home, or as additional income in retirement.
Get more with a universal life insurance policy
Premiums that never increase
Once we set your premiums (based on things like the amount of coverage you'll need, your age, and health), what you pay every month (or yearly) is what you'll always pay.
Guaranteed payout
Along with giving you the confidence of knowing that there will be lifelong protection for your loved ones, they'll receive a death benefit when you're no longer here.
Flexible funds
Your policy builds cash value that can be used for anything. You also have a chance to earn dividends which you can take as cash, use it to pay premiums.
Tax advantages
The death benefit (payout) of your policy is typically tax-free, and the cash value accumulates tax deferred.
You've got universal life insurance questions, we've got answers.
What is universal life insurance?
This type of life insurance gives you lifelong protection and has features you can use along the way. As you make payments (which will never go up by the way), your policy will build cash value. It's guaranteed to grow tax deferred regardless of market ups and downs, and you can use the cash value to pay for whatever you want or need. You can also earn dividends that can be taken as cash, used to pay premiums, or buy more coverage.
How does universal life insurance work?
We promise to pay who you name (beneficiaries) a set amount of money when you're no longer here, and you in return, promise to make regular payments (premiums). But universal life insurance from The Bridge Mutual is much more than that. As you make payments, you'll build cash value (tax deferred) that you can use for anything you wish. You can also earn dividends (while not guaranteed, we've paid them every year since 1972) that can be taken as cash, used to pay premiums, or buy more coverage.
Is universal life insurance a good investment?
Universal life insurance is an investment -it provides protection for you and your loved ones. It accumulates cash value over time that's guaranteed to grow, will never go down, and has smart tax advantages. What you earn over what you put in won't be taxed (unless you withdraw it). Even better, you can use the cash value for anything you want throughout your life.
How much does universal life insurance cost?
What you pay monthly (or yearly) will depend on things like the amount of coverage you need, your age, and health. The best way to get an accurate quote is to talk to one of our advisors.
Is universal life insurance worth it?
Think of it this way: if it can help you reach your goals, then yes, it's worth it. universal life insurance is a uniquely flexible asset and can be an important part of your financial plan. Along with a guaranteed payout when you're no longer here, it has more you can use throughout your life. Its cash value is guaranteed to increase, it's tax advantaged, and it's not affected by market fluctuations.